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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Anica Pederson March 2022

Looking back over the last few months I am blown away by God’s goodness and providence. I am officially a resident of Tanzania! God opened doors and allowed my permits to come on time, which I have been told is unusual!

Something that I have instituted while being here is activities with the kids on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. It has been a great time for me to bond with the kids and foster relationships. Some activities we have done are nail painting, sewing bags, and name tags made out of recycled wood and cds. Please pray that God would open opportunities to share His words with His precious ones here.

Handsewing a small purse

Having fun painting nails

We are looking forward to the rainy season here and as such each cottage has started planting corn, potatoes, and greens in a little plot. It is such a beautiful sight to see them working as a family in the golden evening light.

Happy to be in the garden

Overseeing the planting

The widow’s group here is such a joy to work with. I was able to meet with most of them and was so encouraged by their faith and trust in God. We recently got a new order and I went with the woman in charge to pick out cloth; it’s hard to make a decision when everything is so bright and colorful! Aside from working on their current order they are in the process of learning how to make soap. I am hoping to have soap from Tanzania in the Rafiki Exchange sometime this year! Please join me in thanking God for His goodness to the Widows and prayer that they would be able to figure out how to make soap.

In front of PILES of cloth!

I have been able to sit in on classes in the secondary, which you call high school. We have great, enthusiastic, encouraging teachers here that the children really respond well to. Rafiki has a Bible study that goes home each week. Our amazing Primary Head Teacher works on translating the Rafiki Bible Study into Kiswahili each week because most of our students come from homes where little to no English is spoken. He is careful to keep everything biblically sound and even works with a local pastor to ensure that happens. Please pray that the Bible Study would be a blessing to those that use it and that it would reach far and wide.

I am enjoying Moshi very much as it reminds me of Jos, Nigeria where I grew up. I have also started Kiswahili lessons! You can pray that my mind would be receptive to the vocabulary and grammar of Kiswahili so that I am able to communicate more efficiently. Thank you for your prayers and support, I covet them both.

Please Pray

  • That God would open opportunities to share His Word.
  • That the widows figure out how to make soap.
  • That the Bible Study will be a blessing to all.
  • That my mind would be receptive to learning Kiswahili.

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