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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


22 Aug 22
May Nealey
Nealey August 2022
I am truly excited because I have been selected to serve on the mission field with the Rafiki Foundation. After being blessed to serve as...
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12 Aug 22
Maureen and Jay Richards
Richards August 2022
When I look back on the things that have transpired since our last update, I stand amazed. Not because of personal accomplishments,...
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03 Aug 22
Crystal and Theodore Wilson
Wilson August 2022
It is our hope to be serving in Ghana by November 2022. Our departure date depends on when we have raised adequate funding. Until then,...
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18 Jul 22
Anna Liebing
Liebing July 2022
As I sit in JFK airport waiting for my next flight en route back to Malawi, it feels like a good time to write a newsletter. As I have...
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15 Jul 22
Gwen and John Cicone
Cicone July 2022
As we write this update, we have just returned from our final two-week training before leaving for Tanzania in mid-August.
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15 Jul 22
Curriculum Samplers
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11 Jul 22
Enrichment 2022 Book List
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24 Jun 22
Martha Newton
Newton June 2022
We have had some exciting group events here that I want to share with you this time. Read my June Newsletter for details!
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24 Jun 22
Rachel and Eric Aluvisia
Aluvisia June 2022
This year has brought many changes for our family. The biggest change was the arrival of our son, Nathanael Faraji. He arrived in...
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24 Jun 22
Sarah McMahon
McMahon June 2022
It is so hard for me to believe it was only three months ago that I wrote to you last. Just as the verses in Psalm 121 say, the Lord has...
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