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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Honegger September 2023

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3).

We have been studying the Book of Proverbs this summer, and one week’s study focused on the importance of hard work to the glory of God. Here are some ways Rafiki Villagers have been honoring God with their work the past few months.

In June, short-term missionary Girum visited us for two weeks. His work advising our high school teachers, teaching Bible, tutoring students, encouraging residents to improve English, and sharing his joyful attitude was invaluable to all. We look forward to his next visit!

We are grateful for Girum’s godly influence on everyone at the Village

During the end-of-year recitation, grade nine language arts students shared some of Blaise Pascal’s Pensées and explained their meanings in connection to the Bible. The mayor of Modjo made a last-minute appearance during this recitation. Though the students were nervous, the mayor was amazed by their spoken English. She even expressed agreement with some of the theological truths they expressed, though she is of the Muslim faith. The academic work of the grade nine students led to an unexpected opportunity to share the gospel with the wider community! Additionally, grade eleven student Mehiret was presented with the “Student of the Year” award in recognition of her godly leadership, humility, and desire to honor God in all her work.

Grade 9 presenting Pascal’s Pensées


After the close of school, residents worked on projects around the Village including maintenance and cooking. Each cottage had a special meal where they cooked traditional foods over a charcoal fire. They got to practice both cooking and hospitality as they also invited the missionaries to their cottage for dinner. We are thankful for the residents’ work to beautify the Village and prepare for times of good fellowship.

Rafiki youth renovating the gazebo. Look closely—there are five kids in this picture!

Good fellowship with residents—and delicious food!

The past six weeks, most of my time has been spent in training our preschool teachers in a post-graduate studies program. They have been studying music and language arts, improving their familiarity with teaching the early childhood curriculum, and surveying major themes in the Bible. This year-long program will enhance their teaching at Rafiki’s classical Christian school.

Finally, join with me in praising God that my work permit and residence card were renewed with much less hassle than last year!

Please pray

  • For additional financial support to cover my deficit.
  • That preparations for the next school year (starting September 25) would go well, and that I would trust God with all of the work left to do.

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