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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wilson September 2023

“…and [Ruth] happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the clan of Elimelech. And behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem” (Ruth 2:3-4).

Jambo, Rafiki (Hello, friend)!

As the Village recently completed a study on Ruth, we were reminded that, even in the small events and chance encounters of our lives, God is working to accomplish His divine plan. What a comfort to know that, as believers, we are all a part of that plan!

Highlight: The Rafiki Bible Study (RBS)

From its beginning, the vision of Rafiki has been to cultivate godly contributors in Africa through Bible study and classical Christian education. This vision is carried out through the daily Rafiki Bible Study. Originally developed by eighteen notable theologians over a period of thirteen years, the Rafiki Bible Study lessons are both theologically sound and personally applicable.

“It is through His Word that God addresses us. It is His Word that instructs us, illumines our path, and nourishes our soul. This is why Rafiki put together this Bible study. Its aim is that we might learn to think our thoughts after God and walk in His ways.”

—David F. Wells, RBS editor

The lessons, which cover all sixty-six books of the Bible, have an adult version as well as five, age-appropriate, student levels. Not only does our whole Village start the day studying the same passage in God’s Word, but so do all the people in the nine other Rafiki Villages which span the African continent!

As Crystal and I begin our ninth month in Kenya, we are more in sync with the rhythm of the culture, the serenity of the Village, and the productive pace of missionary life. The garden-like atmosphere within the Rafiki Village stands in stark contrast to the challenging life outside the gates. While there are many schools in the local area of Mwiki, many parents apply for admission after hearing about the solid biblical education that Rafiki Classical Christian School provides.

But there is often a degree of shock when they see first-hand what makes classical Christian education distinct. On several occasions, parents and students have cried hopeful tears, when they find out that students are provided with a curriculum of solid theology every day as well as the tools to help them think logically and defend their faith winsomely.

The class size is also limited to eighteen students (in contrast to Kenyan schools, which can house 40-100 students in a classroom), so they know that their students will be seen, known, and encouraged. Since the fees for attending the school are heavily subsidized, to make this education accessible for as many families as possible, there is a waiting list for admission at most grade levels. When an opening does occur, we begin the process of interviewing families, assessing the child academically, and praying for God’s guidance in the decision-making.

As Rafiki School administrators, our mission is to share the gospel with the orphans in the Village, the community students, and their families. We are also charged with observing and discipling the faculty of Kenyan nationals. We spend a good deal of time each week training teachers and providing feedback, as they deliver the Rafiki curriculum with biblical worldview integration across all academic subjects.


  • Progress is being made with the government on accrediting our teachers training college.
  • Drilling of a new bore hole has provided a more reliable source of water for the Village.
  • The resident graduates of 2022 recently began their post-secondary studies in programs ranging from horticulture to pre-law, and computer science to automobile mechanics.
  • The political protests and consequential violence have subsided.
  • The shipping container was successfully transported from the U.S. in late July, carrying school curriculum, Bibles, supplies for the Village, and some of our household goods.

If you are already partnering with us, we are grateful for the prayers, support, and encouragement you have sent our way. Be encouraged that your support is equipping African students and teachers with God’s Word and an education that will transform this generation and the generations to come. Please share this newsletter or the link below with family, friends, or church members who feel called to be a part of the Great Commission, as well.

The Lord repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge” (Ruth 2:12).

Prayer Requests

  • Financial relief for the Kenyans who still struggle with burdensome price hikes on necessities, like food and fuel.
  • Continued stamina, peace, and patience for the Cottage Parents (adults who are trained to serve as parents to the orphans in the Rafiki Village), as they raise and shepherd the hearts of the pre-teens and teenagers under their care.
  • Upcoming education conferences, hosted by the Rafiki Foundation in Kenya and Uganda.
  • Additional ministry partners so that our second year of this wonderful work will be fully funded.

Please enjoy some pictures from our life here in Kenya.

Community students in the junior secondary school head to the gate for dismissal

Our daughter, Jaya, enjoying time with some preschoolers during her June visit to Kenya

Theo meets with former Village residents (2022 graduates) before they leave to begin their post-secondary programs

Village residents—big and small

Primary students greet the headmaster at the end of morning assembly

Every Rafiki Village starts the school day with a hymn and the Rafiki Bible Study

P.S. From the Home Office: The Wilsons are at 68% of the funding needed* for their current term of service (6 December 2022 - 5 December 2024).

*Donations of any size can be made online at: Wilson - Rafiki ( or mailed to: The Rafiki Foundation, P.O. Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727-1988

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