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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf September 2023

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds” (Psalm 36:5).

This has been a year of seeing God’s faithfulness in so many ways. God has been faithful to help us get settled living in Eustis, Florida and serving Him here at the Rafiki Home Office. We have seen God’s faithfulness as He continues to guide and fulfill His purposes for us to be here in Florida. Your continued support is a picture of God’s faithfulness to us as well. We thank you!

Lisa recently traveled to five of Rafiki’s ten Villages in five different African countries (Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia). It was a trip of sixteen days and twelve flights. Her assignment on the trip was to inspect the OrphanCare Programs at each of the Rafiki Villages. This involved inspecting the childrens’ cottages and dormitories and meeting with the Rafiki parents to encourage and instruct them in their roles as a parent. Rafiki has many faithful parents who have been serving Rafiki’s orphans for many years and they love the Lord and the children as their own. She also inspected the Childrens Books which contains each child’s specific information and pictures. She attended morning breakfast with the orphans in the dining hall and sat in on some of their school classes during the day. She ate dinner with them in the evening and then would attend their evening devotions. It was a joy getting to meet all the national OrphanCare assistants in each Village, many of whom have been serving with Rafiki for many years. She and the Rafiki Director of Africa Operations also met with each Village’s OrphanCare Administrator to encourage and answer questions. It has been encouraging to see God’s faithfulness in preparing us both for our roles over the last several years. We can see how God used the time we were in Kenya to help prepare us for these new roles here helping serve all ten Villages. Sometimes we do not understand God’s ways, but we can always trust in His faithfulness. 

Home Office team visiting Tanzania

Rafiki has cared for over 900 orphans at their Villages and 212 of them have graduated from high school and moved on to some form of tertiary education. The Rafiki Village Liberia graduated it’s first class from high school. They are thanking the Lord for His faithfulness to see these young people all the way through! Some of these graduates are pursuing degrees in teaching, sociology, business management, nursing, and geology. Pray for these young people to become godly contributors in their country.

2023 Liberia graduates

Thank you for continuing to pray for us and supporting us as we serve God’s work in Africa. If you are in Florida, we would love to have you visit us and to give you a tour of the Rafiki Foundation Home Office. Would you consider going on a short-term missions trip to one of our Villages? This is a great way to go serve and encourage the missionaries that live there. Rafiki is now offering an online short-term training program that would allow you to go to Africa and serve. 

My 2023 return visit to Kenya


  • Del is continuing to gain strength and feel better.
  • We are adjusting to living in Florida and it is starting to feel like home.
  • In August, we visited our home church Grace Community in Goshen.

Prayer Requests

  • God’s continued equipping for the work He has called us to here at Rafiki.
  • 20 new missionaries this year to go out and serve—Liberia specifically needs an OrphanCare Director, Plant Manager, and Finance Manager.

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