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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF026
Joseph is a double orphan; his mother and father died in 2007. He then lived with his grandmother who was caring for many other children at the time. With so many other children, she could not provide for Joseph and social services recommended that he be placed at the Rafiki Village Zambia. He arrived at the Village in 2008. Joseph knows that God has given him a new heart, saved him, and made him His child. He says he knows because every day God leads him closer to Him and is teaching him to love and obey Him. Joseph has learned that God wants him to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever, and he seeks to glorify God in the leadership position he holds in school. He enjoys drawing and his favorite book is "Til We Have Faces" by C.S. Lewis. 
DOB: May 1, 2003