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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF078
Chipo’s parents died in a tragic bus accident. Chipo's mother was pregnant with her at the time of the bus accident, and she lived just long enough to deliver Chipo. The mother’s single sister then cared for Chipo and her brother John. She was not employed and was thrilled that John and Chipo could have a permanent home at the Rafiki Village Zambia. They arrived in September 2014. Chipo believes Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for her on the cross. She knows God gave us His words in the Bible and they tell her that Jesus loves her. She thanks God in her prayers for making her and for bringing her to Rafiki, and she tells Him that He means everything to her. God has answered her prayers by giving her life, health, school, and everything she needs.
DOB: May 14, 2011