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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Liberia
Child ID: CG044
Beauregard’s mother died soon after giving birth to him in November, 2006. His father was killed in 2007. After the death of his father, Beauregard was sent to live with an impoverished uncle. His uncle was unemployed and struggled to provide for him and is own family. The Rafiki Foundation was contacted and Beauregard arrived at the Rafiki Village Liberia in 2010. Beu enjoys studying mathematics because math helps him learn how to calculate and operate. When he grows up, he hopes to be a doctor or a pilot. His faith and trust in God continues to grow, and he has learned through nightly family devotions that joy from the Lord is eternal. He recites his favorite verse often, saying, "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice" (Philippians 4:4). 
DOB: Sep 26, 2006