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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB066
Sumaya's father died when she was a young child, and her mother started living with another man who was unwilling to care for her. She was then considered abandoned by social welfare before arriving at the Rafiki Village Uganda in 2005. Now, Sumaya is doing well in math, biology, English, and literature. She enjoys math and biology because she is interested in numbers, problem solving, and nature. Sumaya says that education is the key for her future, and she knows that she must strive to master all her subjects. She knows God loves and cares for her, and she marvels at the fact that God also cares for all of creation. Sumaya continually prays not to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewal of her mind. 
DOB: Oct 10, 2001