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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB022

At eight months old, David was abandoned in a suburb of Kampala, Uganda. He was taken to a babies' home, where he received his name and lived for a year. He was then referred to the Rafiki Village Uganda and arrived in 2005. David proved to be a kind and obedient child, eager to serve others and reach out to make friends. He understood the necessity of prayer for the believer at an early age and loved participating in family prayer time with his Rafiki Mother and siblings. In 2009, David and his Rafiki siblings had an opportunity to visit the babies' home in Kampala, where he lived before coming to Rafiki. They brought food to share with the children, and David enjoyed holding and playing with the babies. Before returning to Rafiki, David participated in singing hymns and praying. As he grows, David continues to love God’s beautiful creation and seeks to show this through his various drawings and paintings. He is always eager to learn more about the Lord through daily Rafiki Bible Study, and he praises God for His love. David seeks to love God and his neighbor and desires to grow in his knowledge of God so that he will be able to share the gospel with others. David prays that he will always love serving God, that he will grow spiritually, and that he will gain confidence in public speaking.

DOB: Jun 8, 2003