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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF074
Carol lived with her grandmother after her mother became mentally ill and incapable of caring for her, and her father abandoned the family when she was a baby. Her grandmother cared for four of her own children and ten grandchildren at the time. The family survived by selling small quantities of merchandise on the street. Carol's grandmother asked social welfare for help and Rafiki was contacted. Carol arrived at the Rafiki Village Zambia in April 2014. Her cousin, Mapalo, also lives at Rafiki. Carol is known for being obedient and loving. She enjoys reading and learning from the characters in a story. Carol believes God has given her a new heart, saved her, and made her His child. She understands and believes Jesus is the Son of God and her Redeemer. Carol is a prayerful young woman, and she often leads devotions at home.
DOB: Apr 12, 2007