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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Liberia
Child ID: CG028
Janjay’s mother died after giving birth to her, and her father died shortly after in a car accident. JanJay and her half-sister, Makatee, were then sent to live with their aunt. Though she tried, she could not provide for the girls' basic needs. Social welfare reviewed the situation and gave approval for the sisters to move to the Rafiki Village Liberia in 2010. Janjay soon began to thrive in her new environment with nutritious food, a bed of her own, and the opportunity to attend school. Janjay's favorite subject is English. She hopes to be a doctor when she grows up because she wants to save Liberian lives, or she would like to be an artist. Janjay loves Jesus because He is her Savior and Creator; she knows that nothing can separate her from His love. She cherishes Psalm 19:1 because it speaks about the beauty of God's creation.
DOB: Sep 7, 2003