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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH045
Naitoti, her sister Nasha, and their cousin Furaha were cared for by their elderly grandmother after the death of their fathers. They are from the Maasai tribe, and they lived deep in the bush. Their uncle contacted Rafiki for help. He was impressed by Rafiki's work and mission. The girls arrived at the Rafiki Village Tanzania in 2012. Naitoti is now an excellent student and a great athlete. Naitoti loves tennis and is quite good at the sport. She knows how to work hard and how to play hard. She also always has a big smile on her face, which is inviting to all around her. Continuing to learn more about God's Word helps Naitoti strengthen her relationship with Christ. She is kind and loving and wants to read God's Word so she can model love to others. 
DOB: Jul 6, 2006