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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ghana
Child ID: CA099
Azuma and her brothers, Atimbil and Awumbe, arrived at the Rafiki Village Ghana in 2010. Azuma soon proved to be a very creative child. She loved to sing, dance, and do artistic activities. She hopes to learn how to play the piano so she can use that skill to praise God and bring glory to His name. She strives to be generous to others, diligent in her studies, and show God’s love to her classmates by helping them with their homework. Azuma praises God for the gift of life and seeks to present herself as a living sacrifice to her Savior, holy and acceptable in God’s sight. Azuma prays that she will diligently study God’s Word and pray, excel in school, and be respectful of authority.
DOB: Nov 10, 2006