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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Liberia
Child ID: CG038
Rena’s mother died from malaria complications three months after giving birth to Rena and her twin sister, Serena. Her father also died in 2008 from an illness. Rena and her sister lived with an impoverished aunt who struggled to provide for the needs of the twins and her own children. She has appealed to the Rafiki Foundation for help, and the girls arrived at the Rafiki Village Liberia in 2010. Rena loves to tell and write stories, so naturally her favorite subject is English. She also loves to sing. When she grows up, she wants to be a singer or a writer, or both. She knows that Jesus loves her, and she is thankful to the Lord for the good education she receives from Rafiki. 
DOB: May 18, 2006