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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF044

Rabecca’s parents both died leaving her an orphan by the age of four. She lived with her aunt and grandmother after the death of her parents, but they could not provide for her basic needs. Rabecca arrived in her new home at the Rafiki Village Zambia in 2009. Rabecca is an active young woman and enjoys playing basketball and volleyball with her friends. She served as Head Girl at the Rafiki School for several years and loves meeting new people. After graduating from the Rafiki School in 2021 and attending a gap year program at African Christian Univeristy, Rabecca pursued a degree at a nearby university. As she sought God’s guidance, she decided to change her course and attend the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE). She prays that by the end of her time there, she will be equipped to teach classical Christian education from a biblical worldview to primary school children. She desires to make a difference in their lives, leading them to Christ and preparing them for their futures. Rabecca prays that she will work for God diligently and that God will give her great understanding.

DOB: Feb 2, 2000