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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Liberia
Child ID: CG029
Makatee’s mother died in a car accident when she was eleven months old. Her father died shortly thereafter. Makatee and her half sister, Janjay, were then sent to live with their aunt. Though she tried, she could not provide for the girls' basic needs. Social welfare services reviewed the situation and gave approval for the sisters to move to the Rafiki Village Liberia in 2010. Makatee soon enjoyed learning about grammar. She believes that this subject will help her reach her goal of being a writer when she grows up. She wants to be a writer so she can teach other children through the books she writes. She believes that you can change a country through writing. Makatee says Jesus is all the world to her because He died for her sins.
DOB: Apr 16, 2007