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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Malawi
Child ID: CE095

Frankson and his older sister were orphaned when their mother died in 2009. Their father abandoned them, and the children moved in with their impoverished grandmother who could not care for their basic needs. After being referred by social welfare services, Frankson and his sister arrived at the Rafiki Village Malawi in 2011. Frankson enjoys learning and going to school. One of his favorite hobbies is dancing, and he also enjoys doing house chores. Frankson believes that God may be preparing him to be a pastor when he grows up. He loves Jesus and searches for opportunities to teach others about the Bible. Frankson sees how he has grown in his faith, and he prays that he will continue to grow as he studies God’s Word every day.

DOB: Nov 1, 2007