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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB034
After Christina and her two sisters, Peace and Tendo, were orphaned as small children, they lived with their grandmother for a time. Though their aging grandmother tried to provide for them, it was a struggle, and she asked Rafiki for help. Christina and her sisters arrived at the Rafiki Village Uganda in 2005. The girls were placed in the same cottage and quickly began to bond well with their Rafiki Mother. Christina now enjoys studying biology and math because she wants to become a neurosurgeon in the future. She is trying her best to be well-versed in many things, and she continues to play the saxophone in music class. Christina loves spending time in worship on Sundays and being with her friends after worship. Christina strives to stand firm in her faith and grow in her personal walk with the Lord.
DOB: Aug 16, 2002