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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wilson November 2022

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).

The 12,935 hours that have passed since we first visited Kenya together last year have been humbling in many ways. God has used the missionary training process to expand our understanding of Him, whittle down our cultural assumptions and modify our expectations before sending us to serve overseas. The intercession of our prayer partners has sustained us and His faithfulness has been displayed over and over again.

In the past few months, we have had the privilege of sharing about God’s work through Rafiki and our mission opportunity with churches and small groups in the Southwest, Midwest, and the Mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. We have tapped into the experience of fellow Rafiki Missionaries who graciously offered us guidance and insight through phone and video calls. We feel so blessed the more we are aligned with His ultimate “reconciliation plan!”

Connect Church in Akron, Ohio

At First Baptist Church of Birmingham in Ohio

A sending lunch held for us at our old home church, Houston Northwest Church

As this letter goes to press, we are excited to say that we have reached 72% of our funding for the first year! Our airline tickets have been purchased and we are finalizing the paperwork for our travel to Kenya—the reality of it all is starting to sink in. But we will step into this next phase with “no reserve and no regrets,” because God has given us His peace and we have been greatly encouraged by fellow believers.

The Village where we will be living is located less than 80 miles from the equator, in the Kasarani region of Kenya. It provides living and educational facilities that support the orphanage, a daily Bible study program for everyone in the Village, a preK-12 classical Christian school, and a teacher training college.

At first, the idea of raising support seemed daunting but we are grateful for the opportunity it has given us to trust God more and to rest in the knowledge that He can, and will, provide for our needs. While the level of funding we have reached allows us to depart for Kenya, we are not fully funded yet. For those who have already made a pledge or donation, we want to thank you for responding to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. You have been an answer to someone’s prayer!

The Rafiki Foundation has already brought hope to thousands in Africa by providing loving homes, education, work opportunities, and the message of salvation through a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet partnered with us financially, would you prayerfully consider joining with Rafiki, and us? God makes miraculous things happen through our prayers, obedience, and faithful giving of time, talents, and treasures!

Little ones eager to hear the Word of God

A student pondering the study of Exodus

Donors can send their tax deductible gifts to the Home Office at PO Box 1988 Eustis FL 32727, or to give securely on-line, visit

There are other ways to support our mission, as well:

  1. Forward this newsletter to someone else who may be interested in supporting our work
  2. Recommend us to your church’s mission board
  3. Arrange a date for a video Q&A between us and your Bible study/small group, once we are “in country.”

Please pray

  • for wisdom as we make the cultural transition.
  • that we will learn quickly and serve well in our assigned positions.
  • that the funds needed to complete our 2-year commitment will be raised.

We are eager to touch down in Kenya, develop friendships, and begin the new work that God has for us. The missionaries whom we will replace are also anticipating our arrival and the face-to-face transition we’ll have, before they head to the Rafiki Village in Uganda. The fields are “ripe for harvest” everywhere (John 4:35 NIV).

We look forward to sharing updates with you as God uses us to impact lives for Christ in Kenya.

Please also pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

Thank you again for your encouragement, support, and prayers. May God richly bless you, as you celebrate Christ’s coming and anticipate His return during this month.

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