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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Pederson November 2022

I pray all of you are steeped in the knowledge of the Lord’s infinite mercy over His judgment, and the secure joy we can have in that knowledge especially going into the Christmas season! The book of Exodus, which we just finished studying, is an amazing picture of this. I am so grateful for everyone that has donated and prayed for me—I thank you for being a beautiful picture of Christ’s body. It is nice to know that certain things remain the same no matter what Rafiki Village I am at.

We start the day here in Modjo, Ethiopia with teacher Bible study. Next, every grade meets for Bible study. We then go out to the court for student led assembly. Every Friday students take turns saying the memory verse and reminding us of the context, meaning, and application of said verse. I then start my day doing English lessons with the mamas. I have been so richly blessed doing these lessons. Often times we are not able to see the fruit of our labors spring up right in front of us, but I have already seen an improvement in their English! Please pray that the mamas would be encouraged and not embarrassed to practice English.

Morning assembly

English lessons

During my free time I have been getting our libraries organized. In the afternoons I have been doing one-on-one tutoring with a few of our resident children. One of them can barely spell his name but can recall amazing detail from things he hears. It has been very fun figuring out how best to help him succeed.

Studying King of the Wind

Grade seven and up harvested teff recently, which is the grain used in Ethiopia to make injera, (a fermented flat bread used in most meals). Outside of that, I have been soaking up all the hugs I can get and enjoying the visits from wildlife that wander through the Village. We have a one eyed tortoise that visits and we can often hear hyenas calling to each other at night! I am headed to Ghana on January 3, so I would appreciate your prayers that I would make the most of my time here, and that I have a smooth transition. As always, much love to you all.

Part of the “wildlife” that strolls through my yard!

Teff harvest

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

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