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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon November 2022

I really do not think there has ever been a time I was not thankful for something. In fact, the more that I see the beauty, majesty, and goodness of God, there are even more daily ways to be thankful. This year was certainly not without its struggles—particularly when I had to leave Ethiopia unexpectedly last November, but I have seen God’s faithful leading wherever I have been. From Ethiopia to Arizona to Rwanda back to Ethiopia again, it has been a joy to make new friends and reconnect with old ones. And now, more than ever, God is equipping me to do the very thing He created me to do from the beginning. Whether I am teaching art, music, phonics, or penmanship to children or empowering the teachers to teach these subjects, I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

Making music with some of the teachers as I taught them the preschool music curriculum this summer

Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention my thankfulness to each and every one of you. Every prayer, every thought, every text, email or phone call, and every sacrificial gift makes it possible for me to be here and adds meaning to all I get to do. Thank you.

So, for an end-of-the-year newsletter, I wanted to show more than tell. Enjoy!

Our current missionary team in Ethiopia, a little windswept but joyful. (L-R: Tekle, Amy, Esther, myself, and Anica)

A third grade student leading her class in the fun action song “Pizza, Pizza”

A reading lesson in grade 1 distinguishing the words “I” and “you”

Third grade art students playing with parallel lines!

Join me in praising the Lord for:

  • An unbelievably easy process for my resident’s card. What can sometimes take several days or even weeks took only 4 HOURS this morning! I know prayer was carrying me!
  • An uninterrupted school year (so far, at least)! I know all the students are benefiting tremendously.
  • Continued unity in the missionary team.
  • Overall health and stamina for myself and the other missionaries.
  • A signed peace accord between the Ethiopian national government and Tigrayan forces.

Prayer Requests

  • Fidelity to the peace treaty, and an end to all the fighting and inhumanities across Ethiopia.
  • Daily wisdom in my teaching and interactions with students.
  • More qualified national employees to be Rafiki Mothers to the residents or teachers to our sweet preschoolers as we start to double-stream in the school!
  • Personal contentment and reliance on God for spiritual and emotional needs.

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children
. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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