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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon Apr 2020

Enjoyed time with my family in Arizona this past January

Here is my much needed update. Please pray as you read about:

My financial progress and subsequent delays due to COVID-19.

• My visa progress and its lengthy process.

• What I am doing in the meantime.

• Desire for meeting with you however we can.

• Need for continued support both in prayer and financially.

About four weeks ago, I was about to send out an update detailing my financial progress, which is now over 83 percent, and subsequent purchase of a plane ticket for May 14 to move to Ethiopia. Since that time, with all that has happened with the spread of COVID-19 and the resulting travel restrictions and social distancing worldwide, I no longer have a certain departure date. I will still work toward a possible May departure, but logic seems to suggest it will be later than that.

All ten of the Rafiki Villages have taken necessary precautions to help curb the spread of the disease and are also acting within the laws of each respective country to ensure the health and safety of resident children, national workers, and international missionaries. Until these precautions are lifted, I will not be traveling to Ethiopia.

In addition to this, the visa required for me to live and work overseas is waiting on the Ethiopian government approval of Rafiki’s program, which is taking a very long time. Once this approval goes through, the in-country missionary can begin the process on her end for my pre-approval for a visa. As you may decipher, it will require a lot of paperwork and even more waiting time. Would you pray for these processes to be expedited?

In the meantime, I will continue downsizing and packing what is left, working on overseas’ living requirements, working part-time at Pure Pastry, and teaching the handful of piano students I still have. Also, by God’s grace, I am continuing to take necessary steps to prepare my heart and make sure I am truly ready to enter the mission field.

Quality time spent with you all, although it looks different right now, is of utmost importance to me now. Please contact me about your preferred mode of communication: Zoom, Skype, or even just phone dates so we can connect while we are still in the same relative time zone. I care deeply about all of you and do not want to miss any opportunities for some “last-minute” time together.

Please continue to pray for me in all of these areas. Pray that the Lord will continue to confirm my call so I can follow Him confidently. Also, I am still looking to bridge the last 17 percent of funding for my first year. Give only as you are able, as I know very well this time is hard for many of us. The Lord provides. He also provides the peace that passes understanding for resting in His promises. What a gift!

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