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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
McKeighen Mar 2019

McKeighen Mar 2019

Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:3-4).

Today I write you from a new place! I have returned to Liberia and can affirm that God keeps His promises. This scripture was laid on my heart many months ago as I was seeking God’s will. For the past nearly two years I have lived in Ghana striving to “befriend faithfulness” there. During that time I made friends, and built relationships with many wonderful missionaries, teachers, and students. Though sad to say goodbye to them, it is also with great joy that I return to my “African” homeland. The past few weeks I have been blessed to feel welcomed by so many in Liberia and it is a joy to work with and for them again.

I will be serving here again as Village Administrator and Headmaster (principal) of the school. Since I departed nearly two years ago there have been many changes in the Village. I was greeted by a lovely row of “baby” coconut trees, as well as many hugs. The new Rafiki Institute of Classical Education, the teacher training college, building is nearly finished and will be in use soon. There, my friends Christie Vankuiken and Felipe and Hannah Vogel will be training teachers for the schools of Liberia. This month, the college will be graduating its first three students with associate degrees in Elementary Education. The need for educators in Liberia is huge and we are excited to be a part of meeting that need.

The new RICE building

The Rafiki School now has 200 students from preprimary through ninth grade. Grade nine and grade six classes will be taking their first national exams in May this year. We pray that our students’ exams will be a good reflection of their learning. Our sixty-seven resident children now range in age from seven to twenty. We are thankful for our team members, Brittany and Jeremy Eagleman, who work in ChildCare and plant and finance management to help keep this all running smoothly.

Preprimary one girls headed to lunch

Theresa and Patricia reading letters from Ghana

As I begin this new chapter in mission work, I would greatly appreciate your continued prayers and support. You have faithfully carried me through thus far on the wings of your prayers and I can testify that those prayers have been needed and profitable as God has continued to give me strength, endurance, and words. I pray that God will continue to use you as well, as you “Trust in the Lord and do good” and as you “ befriend  faithfulness” in the land. “ Delight yourself in the Lord that He will give you the desires of your heart .”

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