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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koepke August 2020

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

COVID-19 has affected Nigeria in the same ways that the rest of the world has experienced. The virus was slow in coming here, but its effect is felt in everyday life. March 20 was the last day of a school term, and we were directed to send every child to extended family. For several weeks, it was really quiet around here. No children, no mothers, no cooks, no teachers. Only security staff could walk in each day, and maintenance staff were allowed on Fridays and Saturdays—a nationwide lock-down was in effect.

When the state government allowed our children to return, mothers returned as well. Cooks were still not allowed to travel, so mothers and children worked together to prepare meals. Church services were supplied by a local pastor who came to the Village, and we showed St. Andrews Chapel services via internet in the dining hall.

Several weeks later, the lock-down was lifted and cooks returned. Teachers prepared home-school style lessons for day students and began tutoring our resident students. This is to help them retain academic skills and help several classes of students prepare for their national exams.

Resident kids have contributed as well. Our girls are very good painters and have painted the interiors of several cottages. They have continued serving in the kitchen. Carolyn made arrangements for them to prepare and write Christmas cards (in July!).

Christmas in July!

The boys have done a tremendous job of keeping grass mowed and trimmed (it is rainy season). They have also helped pour concrete pathways.

Resident boys using a concrete mixer

Several boys have helped Doug overhaul an engine for the food grinder machine.

Jacob painting parts of the engine

Our school buildings are being updated with accent walls and Mika and Chukwudi are helping to make picture frames.

Mika and Chukwudi, “We’ve been framed!”

A bulldozer was hired to level the school’s football pitch. Manual dirt moving with wheelbarrows has been postponed until the rainy season ends.

Every year, Rafiki hosts a week of Enrichment activities for its missionaries and missionaries-in-training. This year has seen the introduction of Zoom conference calls and prerecorded lectures that were posted on YouTube. All ten Rafiki Villages were invited to post short videos to share updates and encouragements.

Rafiki founder Rosemary Jensen announced the project she has been working on during the lock-down. She has been adapting the Rafiki Bible Study into Sunday school materials! Last year, some of Rafiki’s African church partners requested Sunday school lessons, so Rosemary began the task of adapting certain studies for Sunday school use. Visit for more information. It reminds us of Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Even at 91 years of age, God still has work for Rosemary to do! What a great reminder for each of us.


• No cases of COVID-19 have been reported among any of our staff or their families.

• The Nigerian ministry of education is putting measures in place for opening schools this fall.

• Rafiki children are attending tutoring sessions each morning in the dining hall.

• Children and Rafiki mothers and teachers have settled into a daily routine of learning, work, and worship as we live in community during this time.

• Our kids who attend Bingham University have been taking mock exams here online, in preparation for their finals.

• We have received prescription medications via UPS for the foreseeable future, since international travel is unavailable.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for safety as the children are learning vocational skills with maintenance and kitchen staff and with the mothers each afternoon (cement work, trimming, cutting grass, making meals, painting, welding, form work, gardening, cleaning).

• Pray for Jonah (he was injured four years ago and had multiple surgeries for a complete leg break), who recently had surgery to remove the supporting wires in his leg.

• Pray for Joshua who dislocated his knee playing soccer and is now wearing a full leg cast for
four weeks.

We are so thankful for each of you. Despite the challenges of lock-downs and work interruptions, prayer and financial support have remained steady. What a testimony of God’s faithfulness to His chosen people.

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