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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Koch Dec 2018

Koch Dec 2018

The year is quickly winding down and busy is the norm! This little poem and a collage of pictures should give you a good idea of what is going on here in Rwanda and not take all your time to read!

‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, and all through the school,

The students were studying to succeed, which is cool.

The tree is now up in the dining hall twinkling,

And carols are practiced so we’ll have an inkling

Of what we are singing at St. Etienne’s Cathedral

So we can do our best for God, and not sound feeble.

Donatha places third in the all-Africa spelling bee

primary spelling bee
Primary spelling bee

Hold the trophy high

Donatha and Jeanne have returned with an award in hand.

The All Africa Spelling Bee in Mombasa was grand!

And Mike running full tilt to stay ahead of construction,

Of the Senior Secondary so there is no obstruction.

The roof going up this week like a flash,

Ready for the roof

Making window frames

While teachers are grading to end the term—and then crash.

Celebration of arts, recitation, and field day,

Student interviews, teaching and soon is the holiday.

Running to the finish

The rainy season has been so great,

The kids have lots of fruit to eat!

While in Kinyarwanda the name is Igifinessi,

Eating them is not really messy.

Moses and the jackfruit

Waiting God’s timing for our new colleague Sarah,

To have all her funding and come south of the Sahara.

Waiting for Sarah to join us

As we stop to thank God for all His blessings and care,

We remember to add your name to our prayer.

For this journey of faith is a privilege and a joy

As the light of Christ illumines each girl and boy.

Epa playing for pre-primary two

So in the midst of the celebration of His birth,

We ask Jesus to bless you, our friends of great worth.

Merry Christmas from our Umudugudu to yours

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