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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

King Jun 2019

Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast (Psalm 119:89-90).

This month marks my eighth month in Kenya. I cannot believe how fast time has gone and yet when I think back on all that has happened, I am amazed at how much has taken place in such a short period of time. These two conflicting perspectives on time have followed me throughout my service in Rafiki Village Kenya.

My position as music coordinator is multi-faceted and there is always something to do. From working with the Rafiki school, to teaching classes at the Rafiki Institute of Music, or working with local church leaders on promoting congregational singing and the usage of hymns in their churches. I am continuously reminded of more things that need to be done or that need to be developed and researched. I am in constant development mode.

During the final sessions of my church music seminar, I selected an article from The Gospel Coalition to share with the attendees. The title of the article was “The Slow Killing of Congregational Singing.” I had anticipated some debate during group discussion but, after reading the article, the students agreed with every point of the article. What they said broke my heart. They declared, “There is no slow killing of congregational singing. It is already dead.” We had a long conversation considering how to bring congregational singing back into the churches. I pray that the Lord will use our discussion to bring congregational singing back into these churches.

First Church Music Seminar Graduating class

The Rafiki Kenya schedule is on a trimester basis and we recently had a three-week school break during the month of April. During our school break I had the opportunity to take a short vacation away from the Village. It was hard to leave. I travelled up to Lake Naivasha with a Short-term Missionary from Singapore who served with us for nearly two months. We spent a lovely two days by the lake taking in God’s beautiful creation.

Sun rising over Lake Naivasha

This short vacation provided me with a refreshing place to step back and rest from my normal tasks and refocus on what I am called to do. I came back with more energy and strength to begin the new school term well.

I have been able to have fun with my students in Rafiki School in exploring some of the instruments that are here at the Village. The students are excited and eager to learn. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work with them.


Grade 7 Music class

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. It is through your prayers and generosity that this ministry is made possible!

Prayer Requests:

• Safe travels to the U.S. for my sister’s wedding in July.

• Wisdom on how to conduct future seminars and follow-up steps to take with the members who have completed the church music course.

• For God to use our work to the glory of His name and for the expansion of His kingdom.

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