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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH061
After the death of their father and disappearance of their mother, Scolastika and her sister lived with their grandmother. Their widowed grandmother cared for ten children of her own and three grandchildren. Though she tried, she could not provide for the girls' basic needs so she asked if Rafiki would provide a permanent home for them. The sisters arrived at the Rafiki Village Tanzania in 2014. Scolastika soon proved to be a good student and a diligent worker. She does well in school and especially enjoys mathematics. Once she finishes her schooling, Scolastika hopes to become a singer. She is thankful to be at the Rafiki Village where she receives a good education and learns about God each day. Scolastika prays that her love for others will increase and that she will live for Christ every day.
DOB: Jul 16, 2009