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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Nigeria
Child ID: CC073
Samuel was like many children when they first arrive at Rafiki. He arrived with no shoes, and he looked very malnourished. The man who brought him, his uncle Augustine, was not much better off. He had seven children of his own. Social welfare referred Samuel to Rafiki, and his uncle was thankful for the help. Samuel arrived at the Rafiki Village Nigeria in 2006. Samuel now enjoys school and says education is important because it teaches people how to be civilized and get along with each other. Samuel is captivated by God's greatness. He is astounded by how God perfectly loves, protects, and keeps all His children. Samuel is devoted to knowing Jesus more, and he wants to have as much understanding of the character of God as possible. 
DOB: Jan 21, 2001