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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF011
Rachel was orphaned when she was just three months old and was then taken in by her grandparents. Though they tried, they were unable to provide for Rachel's needs and asked for help. Rachel arrived at the Rafiki Village Zambia in 2007. Rachel is a strong student who studies hard, but she still has time for fun! She especially enjoys taking her turn on one of the Village bicycles. Rachel finds the human body, and the way each part functions, very interesting in biology. She believes that learning how God created human beings could help her become a doctor or nurse someday. Rachel says that God has given her a new heart, saved her, and made her His child through faith in Jesus Christ. She has learned that He wants her to live in a way that pleases Him in all she does.
DOB: Jul 21, 2003