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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Nigeria
Child ID: CC114
Ndidi lost her father in 2005 and her mother in 2008. She and her younger brother, Chukwudi, were living with their great grandmother, an elderly widow. Though she tried, she struggled to care for the children. Social services interviewed the children and family members and determined that she and her brother should be placed in the care of the Rafiki Foundation. The children arrived at the Rafiki Village Nigeria in 2010. Ndidi soon thrived in her new environment with nutritious food, a bed of her own, and the opportunity to attend school. Ndidi is now a good student who enjoys school. She would like to become an orthopedic surgeon. She has also blossomed in her love for the Lord and His people. Ndidi has devoted herself to loving God and His Word as well as pouring out her love to His people. 
DOB: Nov 9, 2003