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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB082
Both of Moses's parents died when he was a young child. He was then cared for by an uncle who had eleven children of his own. Though he tried, this uncle was unable to care for Moses and his sister, Jane. The siblings arrived at Rafiki Village Uganda in 2007. Moses asks his sponsor to pray “that I will have the fruit of the Spirit of love for all my friends.” Moses enjoys playing basketball with his friends. He also enjoys Bible class because he learns how to live a godly life and be an example to the younger Rafiki residents. Moses has learned that God is master of the world, that He designed the mountains and the valleys, that He set the seasons, and that He gives languages for people to communicate! Moses seeks to be an example to younger Rafiki residents.
DOB: Aug 15, 2002