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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Malawi
Child ID: CE034

Laurine’s parents died in 2006, and she and two other children were cared for by her grandmother who was 96 at the time. Though she tried, her grandmother could not properly provide for them, and social welfare asked Rafiki to care for Laurine. Laurine arrived at the Rafiki Village Malawi a year later. She quickly embraced her new life and soon radiated with joy. Laurine enjoys singing and making music and is known to have a sweet spirit. She graduated from the Rafiki School in 2021 and now studies at university. She is thankful for her education at Rafiki which helps her to think critically and taught her the importance of hard work. Laurine steadfastly relies on God and prays that she will remain diligent in her studies.

DOB: Nov 30, 2000