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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ghana
Child ID: CA033

Kofi’s mother suffered from psychological issues, and she was deemed mentally unfit to care for him by social welfare services. Social welfare took custody of Kofi in order to get his mother help. He arrived at the Rafiki Village Ghana in December 2002. He soon proved to be a helpful young man with leadership qualities. Kofi is kind and a warm smile is often showing on his face. He now attends a church nearby his university and enjoys helping them with cleanup projects in the community. God has shown him the importance of regular Bible study and prayer and he seeks to surround himself with like-minded Christians. Kofi strives to do his best in each task God sets before him and he prays that he will be a good example to others.

DOB: Mar 16, 2001