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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB091
Julius’s mother abandoned him and gave him over to his uncle after her husband died. His uncle had seven children of his own and could not properly care for Julius. The uncle asked social services for help, and Julius arrived at the Rafiki Village Uganda in March 2008. Julius enjoys being active and playing sports with his friends. He is also a good student. Julius enjoys counting and crunching numbers, and he looks forward to math classes. He has excelled in fractions and decimals, and he thinks he would like to become an accountant in the future. He also likes art and enjoys drawing and painting. He understands that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and that He is completely trustworthy. He continues to pray for a closer walk with Jesus and for diligence in his studies.
DOB: Jan 1, 2004