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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ghana
Child ID: CA063

John’s father died a few years before his mother passed away in 2007. After his mother's death, John and his brother were given to an impoverished uncle who could not properly care for the boys' needs. A social worker recommended that the boys be placed at Rafiki, and they arrived at the Rafiki Village Ghana in 2008. John soon proved to be very helpful and often volunteered to stay after school to help clean the classroom. He enjoys playing sports with his friends, especially basketball. John’s favorite hymn is “Hallelujah! Thine the Glory” because it reminds him that God deserves all praise and adoration. John sees that he is steadily growing in his understanding of God’s Word, and he often meditates upon it. He prays that his extended family will grow spiritually and that he will always make the right choices.

DOB: Oct 31, 2004