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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH055
Israel’s mother was mentally incapable of caring for him, and his father remains unknown. He lived with his elderly grandparents for a time. Because of the living conditions and the age of his grandparents, Israel was soon transferred to a local baby’s orphanage. The social worker contacted Rafiki to assume Israel's long-term care, and he arrived in 2014. Israel was also reunited with his brother, Isaka, who already lived at Rafiki Village Tanzania. Israel continues to learn about the importance of hard work in his studies. He does well in his math and science classes. Through the Rafiki Bible Study, Israel's knowledge of God continues to grow. His love for Christ makes him want to be kind and loving to others.
DOB: Feb 2, 2010