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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Kenya
Child ID: CD026

Grace’s teenage mother gave birth to her and then left the hospital the next morning, abandoning her infant. After that, her mother could not be located. After the necessary legal processes were fulfilled, Grace arrived at the Rafiki Village Kenya in 2004. As a baby, Grace loved to clap her hands and sing hymns with her Rafiki siblings even though she did not know the words. She proved to be a hard-working and friendly girl with a desire to learn. As she grew, she understood and retained information well and especially enjoyed hearing and retelling Bible stories. Grace is now a graduate of the Rafiki School and studies nutrition at university. She thanks the Lord for His provision, mercy, and grace in allowing her to take these classes, and she strives to make the most of her time there. She also thanks her sponsors for providing for her throughout her life and for making it possible to attend university. Grace often recalls the many ways God has answered her prayers and blessed her and she raises her voice in praise and thanks to her Lord. She prays that she will have a patient heart, walk in the ways of the Lord, and focus on her studies.

DOB: Apr 26, 2004