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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Malawi
Child ID: CE005
Fiskani’s mother is deceased and his father abandoned him. He was living in a local village home without electricity or running water, sleeping on a grass mat and eating one meal a day because of the lack of maize. He arrived at the Rafiki Village Malawi in 2006. Fiskani now enjoys learning about the body, and he continues to seek out opportunities to learn about the practice of medicine. He works to make real-life connections to his subjects, and his desire to become a physician remains strong. He is described by his teachers as eager to learn and participate in class. Fiskani looks forward to evening devotions with his Rafiki brothers each night, and he is thankful for God's unfailing faithfulness. 
DOB: May 11, 2001