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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Nigeria
Child ID: CC094
Both Ezekiel's parents died within two years of each other, and Ezekiel was left to be raised by his grandmother. Social welfare was concerned for his well-being and recommended that he and his sister, Jummani, be placed at Rafiki. Ezekiel and Jummai arrived at the Rafiki Village Nigeria in 2006. Ezekiel is now a good student. His favorite subject is science because he would like to know more about the world and God. Ezekiel says education is valuable because we get to know about new things, it gives us greater knowledge about God, and it can help us survive even when we are lost. He hopes to study computer engineering at a university. Ezekiel strives to relate well with others and serve others well so he can share the gospel with those around him.
DOB: May 6, 2003