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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF064
Blessing was abandoned by her mother as a young child, and her father remains unknown. A pastor brought her to the Social Welfare Office in Lusaka, Zambia. After being approved, she arrived at the Rafiki Village Zambia in 2013. Blessing knows the Bible is about Jesus Christ, and she knows that He is God. When she prays, Blessing thanks God for the things He has given her. He has answered some of her prayers by giving her life, food, and a loving home. Blessing has good discernment, and she feels glad when she witnesses someone do the right thing. Blessing enjoys the song "Amazing Grace" because it makes her more aware of her sinfulness and her need for God's amazing grace.
DOB: Jun 22, 2008