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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Ghana
Child ID: CA025

Blaze (Bless) arrived at the Rafiki Village Ghana in 2002. He soon began to mature into a very kind and gracious young man. Bless loves to laugh and is very joyful. He also enjoys engaging in conversation with friends and meeting new people. As a Christian, Bless sees the importance of understanding God’s Word and having the ability to articulate it to others. He seeks to surround himself with godly friends and enjoys attending prayer meetings at his church. Bless graduated from the Rafiki School and now attends university. He prays that God will give him many opportunities to share the gospel with those around him, that he will desire to do what the Lord wills, and that God will grant him grace as he continues with university.

DOB: Oct 8, 2000