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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work


08 Oct 20
Irene Dafoe
Dafoe October 2020
Are you, like me, thanking our Father for the many opportunities He is giving us to prove the genuineness of our faith? Are you, like me,...
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08 Oct 20
Laurie Eastup
Eastup October 2020
This month marks two years of living in Tanzania! What an enriching, joyful, faith-building two years it has been.
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05 Oct 20
Sarah Freeman
Freeman Oct 2020
During the events, or should I say non-events, of COVID-19 season, it might be easy to assume that a mission out in Rwanda could be...
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24 Sep 20
Nichole Jackson
Jackson Sept 2020
Every year I meditate and pray for a one-word goal for the new year. The Lord placed on my heart the word accept and to stop running from...
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17 Sep 20
Susy Harbick
Harbick Sept 2020
We are nearing the end of the rainy season here on the Plateau. The maize has grown very tall and will soon be harvested. The fields and...
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17 Sep 20
Julie McKeighen
McKeighen Sept 2020
This scripture has been a constant reminder over the last several months on the importance of our focus. Are our eyes on COVID-19, or on...
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17 Sep 20
Brittany and Jeremy Eagleman
Eagleman Sept 2020
A lot of good has been happening since our last newsletter…on July 11 we were able to fly back to Liberia! We were delighted to hear the...
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14 Sep 20
Rose Allinder
Sept Allinder 2020
Waiting can be hard! That is maybe why we read so many verses in the Bible about waiting like Psalm 40:1, 130:5, and Isaiah 30:18. Here...
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14 Sep 20
Vicky and Mike Koch
Koch Sept 2020
September 7 WAS the day we had planned to begin school. Read our September newsletter and find out what we have been up to at the Village!
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14 Sep 20
Andrea and Scott Nelson
Nelson Sept 2020
Here in Ghana, as around the globe, we continue to live amidst limitations brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. However, we are...
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