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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wilson September 2022

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations...” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

What a comfort to know that we have a loving Father whose power is boundless and whose provision is limitless! Although He does not need our help, God makes a way for us to participate with Him in the fulfillment of His perfect plan.

We recently moved into temporary accommodations in Houston as we continue our mission field preparations. Initially, we were unsure of a specific departure date but then we received an update: the Rafiki Foundation’s Home Office determined that, of the ten African countries that Rafiki serves, the Village in Kenya would be the best fit for our long-term assignment. To provide stability for the resident orphans and the day students from the local community, it is imperative for new staff to get oriented and have transition time with the current staff before they leave the country. Pictures below were taken on our short-term missionary trip to Kenya in June 2021. Our soon-to-be teammates Eric and Rachel on the left, and Amber on the right.

In order for the staff transitions in four different countries to go smoothly, the Home Office has asked us to arrive in Kenya by the end of next month (October). Like a continental “relay race,” the sooner we can depart for Africa, the sooner the other missionaries can move to their new countries and assignments, and none of the Villages will be left under-staffed. However, we cannot leave the U.S. without having the pledged support to sustain us during our two-year commitment.

And we have not yet reached that threshold.

Our return to Kenyatta Airport after our short-term mission trip.

Would you prayerfully consider coming alongside us at this critical time? Whether you make a one-time donation or pledge to give $10/$20/$30/$50 per month, signing up is quick and easy on our missionary page at the Rafiki website: You can also view previous newsletters and sign up for future updates there. If you choose the pledging option, you don’t have to give right now; you can simply pledge a future gift.

The past two months have been filled with memorable moments, practical tasks, and a fair amount of sweat—perfect preparation for missionary service! We helped our daughter transition from grad school to her first job and settle into her first apartment. We have hosted a successful yard sale and downsized, donated, or stored our remaining household goods. As we lightened our physical load, we continued to be filled spiritually through prayer, Bible study, and the sharing of Rafiki’s mission with everyone that we could.

We also celebrated the marriage of our son to his lovely Ethiopian bride. To honor the heritage of our new daughter-in-law, we made a special request of our fellow missionaries at Rafiki Village Ethiopia. They recorded a short video of their student choir singing a wedding blessing in the Amharic language as well as a song in English from the Rafiki hymnal. Their efforts were warmly received by all the wedding guests but especially meaningful to the bride, since many members of her close-knit community were not able to attend the ceremony in the U.S. Now, we are ready to begin the work set before us on a different continent!

Our son and daughter-in-law with their wedding party dressed in traditional Ethiopian garments for the “melse” (the 2nd-day wedding celebration).

A frame of the video Esther and Sarah made of the resident choir singing.

Since committing to the Rafiki ministry in January of this year, we have been trained, tested, fervently prayed for, and commissioned. For those of you who have chosen to partner with us already, your faith and generosity are deeply appreciated. Once in Kenya, we will have the privilege of serving as Headmasters of the preK-12 Rafiki School at the Village. Our duties will include leading weekly Bible study, teacher training, mentoring students, and helping Rafiki’s church partners with community outreach.

After much prayer and wise counsel, we were inspired to declare, in the words of Isaiah, “Here I am Lord, send me.” But obviously, everyone is not able to “go.” As our ministry partner, your contribution—of any amount—could make a difference in the lives of African children from where you are right now! If you are not convinced, please visit This amazing story began with prayer, obedience, willing hearts, and the joyful giving of many fellow believers. We cannot wait to see what God will do in and through us as we serve His children in Africa together. Can you?

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

Soli Deo gloria (Glory to God alone)

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