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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wilson January 2022

Over the years, we have met, prayed for, and given support to many missionaries, but we often wondered if God wanted to move us from being “senders” to being “the sent.” While watching a virtual education conference in 2020, God revealed a unique mission opportunity with the Rafiki Foundation to serve His children in a medium that is dear to our hearts—classical Christian education. In January 2021, we attended a Missions Training weekend at the Home Office in Eustis, Florida to learn more. The mission of this organization, founded by Rosemary Jensen in 1985, is to “Help Africans Know God” and to “Train Africans to Transform Africa for Christ.” Today, Rafiki continues to operate facilities in ten of Africa’s poorest countries with love, integrity, and sensitivity. Each Rafiki Village addresses the physical and spiritual needs of its community through five programs: orphan care, daily Bible study, classical Christian schools, a teacher training college, and Widows Program.

The young men’s dorm Bible study

With Aaron, a rhetoric school student

Crystal and I were truly inspired by Rafiki’s roots and the fruit that it has borne since its inception. By June, we were boarding a flight to serve for three weeks at their Village in Kenya! Once we arrived and got over our jetlag, we had the opportunity to observe classes, teach lessons, lead teacher training, share read-aloud books, and help with Scout troop activities. Theo even got to teach the residents how to play futsal (the game of soccer, played indoors on a basketball court)—a practical alternative for them when the rainy season comes. We loved interacting with students as we ate, walked, talked, and shared devotions together each evening. The experience was life-changing for both of us.

Following our trip, we prayed for another opportunity to serve God in Africa and for family or friends who would feel led to join us in the work.

He answered us through a deeper understanding of His faithfulness and provision for His children, the stretching and growing we felt—even at our age—when He blessed others through us, and the sense of joy and gratitude that filled our hearts as we loved His people.

With Teacher Ceciliah’s third graders

Then we heard from Rafiki that we were eligible for long-term missionary service with them, if we felt called to it. After receiving the insight and prayers of elders, pastors, current missionaries, and our children, the only question that remained was, “What is keeping us from going?” It was not a duty we saw ahead of us, but a privilege.

We now believe that God is calling us to the mission field and are excited to do His work in Africa through the Rafiki Foundation. Would you prayerfully consider collaborating with us in this endeavor?

We do not know which Village we will be sent to, or how He will use us, but we are trusting Him as we train and prepare to depart in the fall of 2022 for a two-year renewable term. Jaya, our youngest, will finish grad school in June and we would like for her to secure full-time employment and a place to live before we leave the U.S. Thank you in advance for your prayers and for considering the ways you can partner with us.

Ways to Help

  • Become a prayer partner—commit to pray regularly for us and the Rafiki ministry.
  • Become a financial partner through a monthly pledge or a one-time gift.
  • Introduce us to others—we’d love to share Rafiki’s vision and work with friends, small groups, or churches

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