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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wilson April 2024

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength” (Isaiah 40:28-31).


Since our last correspondence, there has been much activity, both inside and outside of Rafiki Village Kenya!

Students have trained and participated in a variety of sports including soccer, track and field events, and basketball—where the boys and girls teams advanced past districts and the girls’ team advanced to the “Sweet 16” in regional play. Others have continued to develop their minds after school, through the Chess and Model United Nations Clubs. The Rafiki Scouts traveled—farther than some had ever gone—to take part in a national celebration of founder, Robert Baden-Powell.

Scouts head off to celebrate Scouting Founders Day

Sparks 5K Run

Some of our residents ‘revising’ (reviewing) after school

We continue to encourage the students in their development of the cardinal virtues, and the disciplines of note-taking and personal study time. Each Monday during the term, we have been working through the Book of Psalms with our teaching staff—finding fresh encouragement for every challenge in the words of King David.

In the past, the gymnasium at Rafiki has served as a location for shipping and distributing Bibles, school curriculum, and Sunday school materials to churches across Kenya. In conjunction with Crossway Publishers’ Million Bible Initiative, we recently received the biggest shipment yet: 40,000 donated bibles for churches and seminary students! As always, our energetic orphans were up to the task of helping to unload the boxes from the shipping container when it arrived.

40K Bibles for distribution

The last three weeks of the term, we were on a barnstorming blitz—as we were called back to the U.S. for deputation*! As directed by the Home Office, we travelled to some new and some long-standing partner churches—which had not been visited by a Rafiki Missionary in a year or more—to give updates and/or presentations.

While experiencing rain, snow, and sunshine, we also connected with prayer groups and prospective mission partners in the Buckeye State, the Hoosier State, and the Sunshine State. Although the primary purpose of the trip was deputation,* we were able to visit with our son and daughter-in-law during our time in southern Ohio. (*Word of the month—“deputation”: a group of people appointed to undertake a mission on behalf of a larger group.)

New Hope prayer group members

Deputation in Indiana

After we completed our charge to represent Rafiki, we traveled to the Home Office in Florida. We started Holy Week worshiping at St. Andrew’s Chapel with the majority of the Rafiki Missionaries currently serving across the continent of Africa. Like us, they were called back to the States for the annual missionary conference known as “Enrichment.”

During the week, we heard enlightening and inspiring messages on 2 Timothy, the Book of Acts, the victories and challenges of the Church in Africa, and reflections on Rafiki’s history by its founder, Rosemary Jensen. Speakers included Rev. Dr. William Zulu (pastor, holds leadership role in a 1-million member denomination in Zambia), Dr. Richard Phillips (pastor, adjunct professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, and contributor to the Rafiki Bible Study), and Rev. Dennis Johnson (pastor, professor, author, and President of the Rafiki Board of Directors). You too can view these rich gospel filled recordings at the Rafiki YouTube channel at .

Theo with Dr. Zulu

In addition to these messages of encouragement, we also attended scheduled meetings specific to our roles in Africa and times of fellowship and re-charging with the other missionaries—which felt more like a family reunion than meetings with colleagues. Once the conference was over, we were catapulted like time travelers back to Kenya, touching down just in time for the last week of school!

Enrichment Headmaster Huddle

The end of the first term was packed with reviewing and signing 400+ report cards, welcoming hundreds of community families to one of our 3 Formal Halls (student recitation celebrations) and watching one full day of students having fun and participating in various sports events. In our absence, the very resourceful art teacher, Ephantus, used recycled materials to create “trophies” for the winners of the Virtue Team competitions—which thrilled the kids!

Girls with Rafiki Games trophy

Kindergartners visit Form Four students

The days continue to be full here, and our nights are restful because we know that our work is not in vain. We love the Kenyan people, and we are grateful to be here serving them, along with you.

Prayer Requests

  • Full recovery for Anthony (a long-time friend and the leader of our Rafiki prayer group in Maryland), after his recent stroke.
  • That the 40,000 Bibles will reach those hungry for God’s Word quickly and that they will make an eternal difference.
  • We will be able to raise the financial support needed to continue the work with the students here (we are not yet fully funded for the current year).
  • And as you pray, please consider whether you can:

a. increase your monthly donation by even $10
b. share the work of Rafiki with your church mission board
c. forward our newsletter to (5) people that you know

Happy Monday!

Mungu akubariki (God bless you).

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