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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wiedemann Oct 2020

[T]hat the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:17).

Greetings from Tennessee concerning news in Ghana!

In June the government of Ghana allowed a modified school schedule for upper school students to prepare for their national exams. Students and teachers for ninth and twelfth grades came to school for half-days through September 4. The other levels in schools in Ghana remained closed. We praise God that the grade nine students have finished their exams and are awaiting their results. We are thankful that four teachers were able to live at the Village to help maintain the learning program and prepare the students for their national exams.

The picture above is our graduating class for 2020. These five young adults will take their national exams from November 16 to December 16. Yes, an entire month devoted to measuring their knowledge of eight subjects. Naturally, we want them to perform well and continue their education in university or vocational training. More importantly, we desire that they know God. We continue to pray that our gracious God will grant them “the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him.

Recently, the government of Ghana issued another modified school schedule. Only grades eight and ten can have classes from October 5 through December 14. All levels are scheduled to re-open in January 2021.

While our resident students were able to have academic maintenance, they also enjoyed other tasks. They have worked updating the grade five classroom and redoing the primary library. Some have learned to sew. Their first project was to make computer covers for the laptops in the computer lab.

Now they are making curtains for the school and dining hall.

Teamwork skills are always a blessing, and they take turns using the electric and manual machines, ironing, measuring, and cutting.

We are very thankful for our new missionary, Kiley Bronke, joining the Education Program!

Kiley has taught in Burkina Faso and has volunteered and worked over the past two years at Rafiki’s Home Office. While waiting for Ghana’s airports to open she is serving at Rafiki Village Liberia. Kiley is an English major and “her passion for the great classic works of literature and for sound biblical doctrine” will serve her well on the mission field in Ghana. She is expected to arrive in Ghana on October 1.

I am still seeking medical treatment and praying for a diagnosis. While the doctors do not yet know what to do, we know God does. Thank you for your faithful emails, videos, texts, calls and most of all, your prayers.

I am grateful for your steadfast faithfulness dear friends.

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