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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Wiedemann Oct 2018

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Greetings everyone!

The beautiful double rainbow appeared the first night we resumed our ladies Bible study after Hurricane Florence. It was a welcome change and a lovely reminder of our Promise Keeper. However, most of the time I do not sincerely welcome change and tend to take God’s perfect goodness for granted. Well, this is a time of numerous changes and God is once again keeping His promise to work all things for His good, perfect, pleasing will.

Change in Locations

My house in North Carolina basically sold in two days! Multiple offers, a smooth inspection, an adequate appraisal—all completed in less than a month. We close on October 22. I will be relocating to Tennessee to live with my mom and continue fundraising. It was extremely exciting to see God work this out so quickly and smoothly.

Please pray that the move to Tennessee will be accomplished with a cheerful heart and under God’s safety.

Also, I now know my location in Africa—Ghana. I am returning to the country where I began serving with Rafiki over thirteen years ago. The Rafiki Teachers College will be my work location, where we will see God’s Word at Work, Training Africans to Transform Africa for Christ. I ardently anticipate witnessing the Holy Spirit at work moving many from one degree of glory to another.

Please pray that God will grant me wisdom as I study the curriculum and processes for the Teachers College.

Change in Support Levels

Thank you for your prayers, encouragements, pledges, donations, and communications. Your prayers are the foundational support of the work. It is always thrilling to see how God orchestrates His people to give: 

1. Two young lads purchased my lawn mower and began their lawn care business. 

2. A lovely young lady sacrificially gave her tips earned during the summer. 

3. Many friends helped/are helping with an upcoming yard sale. 

4. Dad’s final gift of love will be used toward sending me back to where it all began. I have warm memories of when he served with me in Ghana.

Please pray for the remainder of my funding to come in and for me to wait patiently on the Lord. We hope that I can leave for Ghana in January 2019.

As A. W. Tozer said in The Knowledge of the Holy,

With the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, and the wisdom of God to plan it, and the power of God to achieve it, what do we lack? Surely, we are the most favored of all creatures.

I will close with a picture of my newest blessing in Tanzania, momma Wema and little Trinity.

Wema and baby Trinity

Reminders of how to partner with me in this delightful journey: 

If you are able to give financially you can donate online through the new Rafiki website at

You can mail a check to the Rafiki Home Office with my name and missionary number (167) in the memo line, PO Box 1988, Eustis, FL 32727; or you can call the Rafiki Home Office to set up payment (352-483-9131).

Would you please spread the word to your family, friends, prayer groups, mission committees, and Sunday school classes? I would be honored to speak about the work of our Lord through Rafiki.

I am eternally grateful for all of your support and prayers. Until next time…