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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Upton June 2022

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life’ ” (John 4:13-14).

The early rains of the rainy season have been refreshing as they water the earth and bring cooler temperatures. They serve as a good reminder of my own need to be refreshed by the springs of living water found in God’s Word. I am also reminded that my calling here is to be a messenger to other thirsty souls, telling them about the One who has the water of eternal life.

Over the past few weeks, I have had a few exciting opportunities. At the beginning of June, I was asked to speak on the topic of stewardship to a group of about 45 teens (including some Rafiki children) gathered at the Rafiki Village for a United Methodist youth fellowship conference. We started by looking at how Genesis 1 and 2 show that we were created by God to be stewards of all that he has given us, and then we explored some of the foundational principles that the Bible teaches about stewarding specific gifts like time, money, spiritual gifts, etc.

Rafiki child Benjamin sharing a Bible verse at the Youth Conference

That same weekend, I had the privilege of attending the ordination service of the pastor, elders, and deacons of Rock Springs Presbyterian Church. What a blessing to witness that joyous occasion! I was deeply encouraged by meeting some of the pastors and church leaders who were present and hearing from them how God is raising up men to serve in the growing reformed church in Liberia.

Today, I had the opportunity to host a theological discussion time for the RICE (teachers college) students. During the term, students often raise good questions during our morning Bible study which we do not have time to address because of needing to focus on the topic at hand. Over the last couple weeks of the term, I encouraged them to write their questions down and turn them in to me, and I let them know we would set a time over the break to talk through the questions. Although the turnout today was small, I loved getting to sit down with them in a more informal setting and spend time discussing the Bible. We dove right into the deep end with topics like the existence of evil and man’s free will, but I believe it was a good conversation and pray that it will help them to grow in their understanding of the truth of God’s Word.

Theological discussion with RICE students

Please pray with me that:

  • God would continue to build his church in Liberia and raise up godly men and women to serve.
  • God would use the Bible study and Bible classes at the RICE Program to change the hearts and lives of the students.
  • God would bring 18 new RICE students for our next intake in October. 
  • God would grant me wisdom and continue to provide me with opportunities to share the truth.

Please enjoy these bonus pictures!

RICE students, spring term

RICE student hosting a book celebration for 4th-6th grade

Recent weekend trip to hike Mount Nimba with friends

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support!

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