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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Upton February 2021

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Training has begun! I am three weeks into TREK, an eight-week online training course for Long-Term Rafiki Missionaries. The course is providing me the opportunity to learn about mission history and culture, engage with other missionaries in training, and grow in my knowledge of God and myself. I am enjoying hearing the perspectives of the other participants and learning many things as I spend this time in preparation for the field.

Last week, I joined nine others interested in serving with Rafiki to participate in a weekend of mission training here at the Rafiki Home Office. These trainings are geared for anyone interested in short- or long-term missions with Rafiki and provide detailed information about the organization and its work and practical information about mission trips. As members of the Home Office Staff shared with us the great needs in Africa and the incredible ways that God is using Rafiki to help meet those needs, I grew even more eager and excited about being a part of this work.

RICE students participating in the Rafiki Bible Study

One of the things I appreciate most about Rafiki, and came away from training even more impressed by, is the leadership’s commitment to partnering closely with African church denominations. All our resident students attend a local church near their Village, and many are actively involved in some way. Because we believe that the manifold wisdom of God is made known through His Church (Eph. 3:10), we desire to work closely with the local churches and to serve them as we seek to help others know God.

Rafiki students singing hymns

Yesterday during our Home Office Staff Day, we spent time reflecting all God has done for and through Rafiki over the past year and praising Him. To name just a few, we commissioned new missionaries, sent out thousands of resources to give to churches and schools in Africa, and witnessed significant breakthroughs in several of the countries we work in that will allow us to move forward in providing curriculum and Bible study to our African brothers and sisters. It is overwhelming to see God’s amazing faithfulness to Rafiki as He has and continues to answer our specific prayers in ways that are beyond what we could ask or imagine.

Prayer requests:

- The church in Africa will grow and our church partners will remain faithful to the Gospel.

- God will raise up more missionaries and more donors to support the work of Rafiki.

- God will strengthen me by His power as I continue my training and preparation for
the field.

- I will raise the funds I need to go on the field.

As I work on fundraising, I am so grateful for those who have already given and signed up to be monthly supporters. The generosity of others encourages me and reminds me that God is the one who has called me to serve as a missionary and is the one who will provide all I need. Perhaps He could use you to do so! Would you consider partnering with me financially through a one-time gift or regular support?

To donate online:

- Go to

- Click on “Our Missionaries” from the home page.

- Type in my name and follow the link under my name to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.)

To donate by check:

- Make checks out to The Rafiki Foundation and put my name and missionary number (256) in the memo line.

- Mail your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis FL 32727.

If you think your church would be interested in hearing about the work I will be doing with Rafiki, I would love to come and share. As always, if you have any questions or want to know more, please reach out!

Thank you for your support!

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